Monday, May 24, 2010

To be aired or not to be aired?

Documentaries reveal the truth, exposing the lies through re-enactment of events so we can better understand events happening all over the world. Every year there are many documentaries made but only a few generate enormous public interest whether they are made by professionals or people just experimenting with documentaries. Luckily for people experimenting with documentaries, in this day and age, they have many opportunities through technological advances that they can make their film documentary successful. Internet websites such as YouTube make it very easy for anyone to publish a documentary online, but this does not mean that it will ever make it on to a television channel or be viewed in a cinema.

Nonetheless the internet is not just another medium to distribute documentaries. It is more flexible in terms of place, time and audience. It allows people to experiment and test run their documentaries without approval and most importantly it is free. Here is an example of a short documentary published on YouTube which was originally created for the purpose of a school project by a high school student.

Another documentary “9-11 the greatest lie ever sold” part 1:

As you can see from the example of the documentaries above the internet allows all voices to be heard, whether the information is biased or not. The internet is particularly useful when a documentary does not make it on to television and cinema not due to its quality and professionalism but because the government or certain authorities that the documentary is about is band because they do not want the truth or a particular side of the event to attract public attention it will attract. For example a documentary called ‘Loose Change’ was banned from being aired on television and cinema.

Documentaries are about revealing the truth finding out what is really going on and the internet which provides sites like YouTube allow the truth to come out easier.

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