Monday, May 17, 2010

Politicians lost in Cyberspace

What happens when a video of George Bush is uploaded onto the internet to for all to see?

We witness his sophisticated speech….

But really is it a smart move to try and reach out to a younger and larger audience, even at the risk of making a complete idiot out of yourself, like George. Well if a large audience is what you’re after George here demonstrates the perfect way to go about it! Personally I wouldn’t go to the internet and search for information about Kevin Rudd and what his new ideas and campaign promises are unless I was doing an assignment. Also if a politician was making a complete fool out of them self, which I would love to see. I would definitely want to see that! For some politicians like George it has proved to be a destructive weapon. Another example where YouTube has proved to work against a politician would be Sarah Palin. Comedian Tine Fey impersonated Sarah Palin which left her no chance of becoming Vice president. But for one politician in the US, the internet has been a successful marketing tool. That politician is Barrack Obama.

There is word that the reason why his campaigns were successful on the web is because the internet is not new to him; he was using the internet long before he was campaigning.
One thing politicians need to remember is that once it’s on the internet its stays on the internet! People can watch it over and over and over again for years to come. How about someone close to home? Our own Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd. Kevin Rudd used the internet to promote his campaign. He now has a twitter account he regularly tweets on.

Kevin Rudd has taken advantage of all the internet sites he could use for his campaign, but joining twitter I think that would be over the limit. Politicians need to be careful especially if they are new to a site such as twitter, caution should be taken when posting what you are doing at certain times of the day if you want to be taken seriously or if you don’t want to put yourself in danger. I have no clue what representative Peter Hoekstra was thinking when he posted this statement: “moved into green zone by helicopter Iraqi flag now over palace...” on twitter. You know that old saying think before you speak, well in this case think before you tweet. I guess it’s not as simple as looking at the advantages and disadvantages of the internet. Politicians should learn how to use the internet effectively and safely before they decide to use it.

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